ACCI BEST CENTRE Rolls out Summer Vocational Training Programs.

The Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Entrepreneurship Skills and Technology (BEST) Centre has rolled out series of Vocational Skills Training this summer for youths young adults and children between the age of 4-15years old.

The ACCI BEST Centre is the training and capacity development arm of the chamber with an objective to provide world class training and capacity development for the business community and the general public.

The 2021 summer vocational skills training organize by the Centre are in two categories
The children category specializes on ICT skills such as Graphic Design
Website Design
Coding and Robotics
Microsoft Office
3D printing
Photography and Musical instruments such as Piano
Bass guitar
Studio audio recording
Acoustic guitar
Brigade band for schools and
Set drum while the youths and young adults category will empower participants with other vocational skills such as Hair Dressing and Make Up Artistry, Perfume Making, Website design and Graphics design.

According to the Director of the Centre Ms Tinuke Temitope, the summer vocational skills training program is designed by the Centre to engaged children and youths and equip them with relevant and in demand skills that could give them comparative advantage in the nearest future.
She also noted that the first edition of this summer skills training was held in 2019 while the covid-19 pandemic prevented the Centre from organizing the 2020 edition.

She enjoined parents and guardians to release their wards to participate in the program while guarantee adequate security and value from the training.

The program starts from 2nd August 2021 and its schedule to run for 3weeks at the ACCI BEST Centre

Interested participants can visit the website to register. or call 07037574857